Gordon Moore: Technology Pioneer and Co-Founder of Intel Corporation

Gordon Moore is one of the most influential figures in the history of technology. He is best known for co-founding Intel Corporation, one of the world’s largest semiconductor companies, in 1968. But Moore’s legacy extends far beyond practical applications. His novel theories on Moore’s Law, which established the exponential growth of computer components, helped lay a foundation for the field of high-tech design and innovation. Without Moore’s groundbreaking work, the world of technology we enjoy today simply wouldn’t be possible.

Early Life

Gordon Earle Moore was born in San Francisco in 1929. He grew up in Pescadero, California, a small community south of San Francisco. He developed a knack for mathematics early on and even wrote instruction manuals and magazine articles on small computers while still in high school. Moore went on to study chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley, and mathematics and physics at the California Institute of Technology.

Intel Corporation

In 1968, Moore and fellow scientist Robert Noyce co-founded Intel Corporation, then known as Moore Noyce. Intel rose to become one of the most influential players in the high-tech market, making huge advances in computer memory, communication, and peripheral products. Moore served as Intel’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) from 1979 to 1987 and as its Chairman until 1997, when he retired and became Chairman Emeritus.

Moore’s Law

Moore’s most lasting and influential contribution to the technology world was his observation that the number of transistors able to fit on an integrated circuit was doubling every two years. This was known as Moore’s Law, and it became the standard by which the growth rate of integrated circuit complexity could be estimated. Moore’s Law has been an insightful guide in technological advances and a reliable tool for garnering additional research.


In recent years, Moore has lent his considerable clout to a number of philanthropic efforts. He and his wife Betty established the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, a charitable trust set up to address emerging environmental, educational, and scientific issues. The Foundation’s grant programs have funded research initiatives and supported conservation efforts in the United States and abroad, with a special emphasis on California’s Bay Area. The Foundation has also contributed to research in healthcare, education and other humanitarian causes.

Gordon Moore is a highly influential figure in the history of technology, credited with co-founding Intel Corporation and devising Moore’s Law, which helps guide advancements in state of the art components. Through his hard work and dedication to research, Moore has changed the face of computing and vastly influenced the technology of today. His personal and philanthropic pursuits have further served to enhance public life and promote social good, leaving a lasting and profound legacy on both business and humanity.